Our weekend had its ups and downs this go around!
Friday night was low key at home where little bit wore her bunny tail so that I could "oooh" and "awwww" over her all night! If you have a little one or big one for that matter you need to head to Target and grab one of these clip on bunny tails from the dollar spot! So fun for easter!
Will is building a dining room table for some of our friends so he was busy with that all weekend...that just left little bit and me! First things first we played with our Easter eggs and ate breakfast while we reading our book!
Learning to blow kisses!

She had enough of the camera at this point! *funny girl*
Picking up all the cheerios she threw all over the floor! Glad that she loves this game!
We then decided to tag along with my parents to see the land and check on how much the lake went up! It was a gorgeous day so I was really glad we got to go with them! Driving to and from the land pretty much takes up our whole day but it is well worth it!
There is one horse on the land for now but soon will be about 15 I believe! This one gets special privileges because she is older and the other horses were picking on her!
Playing on capt's new truck with KT!
One of my all time favorite pictures..just a girl and her capt' and a rare moment when she is not trying to take his hat off his head!
These two clownin' around!
Walking on the rock road with KT!
And sometimes she just wants her momma...and I am 100% okay with that!
So the day was going perfectly and the weather was gorgeous! It is always fun out on the land with the parents and little bit, but we sure missed our daddy who loves the land probably even more than us!
We all hopped back in the car to head home and that is when things took an unexpected turn! We had been driving for about 30ish minutes when little bit just starts throwing up in the car..like real throw up not baby spit up! We pulled over and let her "finish" and it was everywhere! EVERYWHERE! We stripped her down and got her cleaned up! It was such a sad sight to see and you could tell she was so confused! She seemed to feel fine though! We put her back in her carseat...naked! She quickly fell asleep..holding on to my finger the rest of the way home!

I thought that it was just maybe carsickness because she was acting like herself all day long so it just seemed like everything was okay! We got home and she seemed okay so we did our normal routine and got ready for bed! Around 10:00pm I had the gut feeling that I should go check on her so I snuck in her room and just rubbed her back and she was on fire! So I quickly got her up and took her to the living room, we took her temperature and it was 102.4! That was the highest that it has ever been, I wasn't too nervous but knew that her temperature was getting up there into the worry zone. Lucky for me, my brother is a doctor! So we called him and got his opinion and gave her some tylenol! We were about to put her back down and when she started throwing up all over me again...like everything inside her little tummy (your welcome for the details :) ). Not fun at all! This time we called and woke up my dad to see what he thought since I knew now with the throw up...and later not so fun diaper..I needed to make sure she was not going to become dehydrated! He agreed with the brother about the tylenol and to check on her in an hour! She went back to sleep super easily and stayed that way the rest of the night! When I checked her temp about an hour later it had gone way down so that was great! She woke up the next morning and was acting pretty sluggish so we had to cancel our plans of going to see her grandparents in Duncanville! :( Her temperature stayed down the whole day so we think she just had a stomach virus! Luckily by this morning she was back to her happy and playful self!! It is no fun seeing your baby girl sick and just feeling helpless!! We spent most of the day Sunday lounging around and cuddling (which I didn't hate ;) )! We are ready for this week of sunshine and warm weather...except for our rainy day today!
Such great pictures of the land. Poor girl. So glad she is feeling better. R had a tummy bug back in january and it is so pitiful. She had no clue what was going on with her body.
ReplyDeleteOh and Weslees pigtails are THE cutest. I can't wait until I can put R's hair up like that.
ReplyDeleteAwe poor girl! Glad she is feeling better. And I absolutely love those piggies!