Wednesday, March 11

Dying Easter Eggs...not for the faint of heart!

So I have had in my head for a while that I wanted to dye Easter eggs with Weslee Grace! I figured if she can paint a pumpkin at 4 months surely we can tackle dying Easter eggs at 9 months! Oh friends...think twice before you decide to do this! I found a shaving cream method of dying Easter Eggs on trusty Pinterest that seemed super easy and made the whole thing seem more manageable..uhm not exactly! Luckily we were at my parents house to take on this the middle of my dads nap...I'll let you decided if you think he got a nap or not! :)

IF you are wanting to try this method of Easter egg dying you need the following items:
*Shaving cream..not the gel kind
*Bright colored food coloring
*Boiled Eggs
*and LOTS of towels to clean up messes!

We think spoons going in your mouth always...this is what she did when we tried to get her to help stir!
You have to let the eggs sit in the shaving cream mixture for about 30-45 minutes to make sure they are really dyed...we didn't leave ours in long will see further down!

Just a quick game of "peek-a-boo" while waiting for the eggs to finish dying!

We would of also been just as happy playing with a bucket of shaving recommendation on doing this with your own little bit is use Whip Cream instead of shaving cream!! 99% of the time we were trying to intercept shaving cream from going into her mouth!

The final products...they were supposed to be multi-colored..ours didn't work out so well! The "white" egg is also really orange but I don't think we left it in long enough!

Little bit thought that these eggs were meant for eating...she took a couple of *bites* out of the eggs! There may or may not of been some fishing of egg shells out of her mouth!

We laughed so hard during the process so I would say it was well worth it activity! Good luck if you try and dye Easter eggs with a baby too! I would highly recommend getting some professional Easter egg dying help!

I will leave you with this sweet pictures of Angus and Weslee Grace! They are going to be the best of friends I believe!


  1. So fun. She has the best personality and seriously seems so much older than 9 months with all her spunk. I never even thought about dying eggs with R, but I may try it with the cool should work the same way right or is there something with the shaving cream that makes it color the eggs? Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. I feel like all of the sudden she seems like a toddler!! Breaks a mommas heart!! I think cool whip would work perfectly!! Then she could eat it too and it wouldn't matter! Can't wait to hear how it goes!!

    2. Planning the first birthday which is two weeks away is breaking this mamas heart. I don't like putting her down in her crib at night because that means its just one night closer. Love this age, but where are our babies going?

  2. I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Love reading your blog!

    1. You are so sweet!! Sorry just now seeing this!! I will get right on this! :)
