Wednesday, March 4

9 months

Oh little bit. You are 9 months old..and these were the fastest 9 months of your momma's life. I remember when I was pregnant with you thinking that those 9 months were dragging on forever. So funny how the same amount of time can feel so different in different situations. You are still the joy of our lives and make us smile and laugh everyday. You are a HOOT! You never cease to amaze us with what you can do and your little personality. 

You are working on getting your top two teeth right now ( and have been for what seems to be forever..) and that hasn't even slowed you down..if anything it has sped you up because while you are teething you do not like to nap. They finally popped through so hopefully we are about done with it..for now. You love to eat, just about anything! If you act like you don't want something all I have to do is pretend to take a bit and you will get whiny because you don't want me to and take a bite immediately! Such a funny girl! 

You are so very active, and never ever want to sit still. Your KT and Capt' say that you get that from your momma…so does your daddy! He says your momma is still that way..I don't think it is a bad thing! You have gotten where you will point at what you want and you want it RIGHT then! When we go to bed each night you point out your tutu and ballet shoes that hang from your shelf.  Then first thing you point at each morning are you books! Your daddy built you some new bookshelves that are right by your bed (momma painted them and designed them… :) ) so you see them first thing each morning! You love to read books and turn the pages! 

                          (This pictures cracks me up…not quite sure what you want to do more!)

You really enjoy running errands with momma too. You are the happiest when we are out doing things or when you are walking around with your cart ..(and having tea parties)! You don't meet a stranger when we are out, I hope you are always loving and friendly! Everyone comments on how cute you are, and we could not agree more!

One story I want to remember: We are working on teaching you the word 'no'. It is quite humorous right now. The only thing we tell you 'no' on is when you start crawling for cords or grab a cord. It is very clear that you know what the word means. One day I went to put something in the bathroom and I came back and you had managed to crawl on top of our printer and I squatted down in front of you and told you 'no no'. You then proceeded to put your hands on my face and give me a kiss! I could not believe it and just started laughing.. ( i know wonderful parenting..) I told your daddy that if you knew that was all you had to do to get out of trouble that we were in for it! You are so funny sweet girl!

You are still a great sleeper at night (minus when you are teething) and are still taking two naps a day! You have gotten to where you like to have Ellee in your crib with you so that if you aren't tired you can play with her. It is so funny to watch you on the monitor sitting in your crib just talking away to Ellee! We had to lower your crib all the way to the ground and momma can barely put you in it now! 

You have started waving "hi" and "bye" to people EVERYWHERE. You really do it a lot when we are at the grocery story and when we are at church. Speaking of church…you are still not a fan of the nursery! It is so funny to me because when we are out you make friends with everyone but when you are in the nursery on Wednesday and Sunday mornings you are not excited to be there at all! Hopefully we are starting to out grow it a little bit because we have had a few more happy days this month! 

You love to dance. You make this face, we call it your monkey face, and make your whole body move up and down. It doesn't matter where you are, you can dance anywhere. You dance in the bathtub, in your carseat, while momma is holding you, in the grocery cary EVERYWHERE! KT is trying to teach you 'patty cake' but you think it just means to dance! 

You are still crawling like a mad woman everywhere. You are super fast. You like to crawl really fast and then turn around and see if I am watching you and then you laugh and take off again. You pull up and walk around everything. You are not afraid of anything. I think you could walk if you wanted to but right now you still like to hold on to momma and daddy's hands. Which I do not mind at all!

Sweet girl we love you and can't believe you are already 9 months old! You are the sweetest, most beautiful baby girl in the world and can not thank God enough for such a wonderful *surprise* blessing!


  1. Love it! Can our littles please slow down! Ryan laughs when we tell him no when he goes to grab the cords....we are in trouble with him.

    1. I know!! I can't believe how big they and sad all at the same time!! Haha too funny…so hard to stay serious when they laugh! :)
