Friday, January 23

Five on Friday

We made it to another Friday..not that Friday means quite the same thing anymore, but at least we get our daddy back for the weekend!

Speaking of daddies, we have a pretty darn good one! He just started another semester of school and is getting back into the swing of things! We are officially less than a year away from graduation and I think we are both finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! There was never a doubt in my mind that he would be an amazing student and husband! I figured that was totally doable and with me being a teacher I had plenty to keep me busy at night time while he studied (whoever thinks teachers are done at 3:00..well thats a whole other post ;))! When we got the best little surprise, (one we would of never dreamed of ourselves….right now at least) Weslee Grace, I was a little curious worried how he would manage school, being a husband, and learning to be a daddy as well! I should of known that I married the best and he would handle it with ease! He is the most loving, fun, helpful (to me!!), dedicated daddy around! He is so selfless with his few minutes of extra time and spends it reading, playing, or feeding WG..and helping out this momma with anything and everything! He is the all time best bath giver! I shouldn't of been surprised by any of this but I just didn't know how it all would work out! The Buck girls are truly blessed to have this man has a husband and daddy!
(my all time favorite pictures of my people)

In october of last year we joined a Foundation Group within our church, Watermark Church. A foundation group is like a bible study and you make a 15 month commitment to meet weekly as couples to work through a curriculum that is provided from our church. Can I just tell you that Will and I hit the jackpot of foundation groups! We have been so BLESSED by each couple in our group and can not believe that our 15 month commitment is already over! It flew by and seems like just yesterday that Will and I were throwing at them AT OUR FIRST MEETING that oh hey we are having a baby! These people have taught me more in 15 months about my relationship with God, my relationship with my husband and how to grow them both then I could of ever imagined! I am so thankful to have each of them in our lives as a solid support system! They have been there through the exciting times of pregnancy, to the scarier times of the NICU, to dealing with how meetings look now with a baby involved! I love you ladies (and your hubbies) more than you know and truly appreciate "doing life" with you! 

"How big is Weslee Grace?"

"So big!
This is our new trick and I may or may not make her do it 1,546 times a day! This is about our only trick we can do on demand! We were on FaceTime with mom and she even did it for her whole office staff! I absolutely love this stage! If you read our last five on five I told you about those letters and how she is obsessed with is more proof! 

We can officially wear little clips in our hair to hold her ever growing bangs back! We aren't quite as good at not pulling these out but I think I can def train her :) I think she looks precious personally :) 


We have had the most special treat of being a brand rep for the sweet sweet shop Sugar Bit.  Such a fun honor! I'm pretty sure if my husband wouldn't kill me I would buy one of everything! They have precious unique pieces so your sweet little one isn't matching everyone in the nursery (or class!) Lucky for us they are having an amazing sale today that you will not want to miss out on! Head on over and get your shop on, I know I will be shortly! 
This momma has her eye on these few pieces that are at amazing prices, this would be a great time to stock up on items even for next year or grab a few things to finish out the season!!

This outfit is for sure coming my way very soon, it is not on sale, but oh my goodness I don't know how you could not purchase it anyways! 

Hope you all enjoy your weekend! We are looking forward to sunny skies and warm weather in the great state of Texas (at least my area :) )


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So adorable! Raegan's favorite game is "So big!" too! My mom does it with her all the time! Our other one is saying "yay Raegan!" and she claps her hands! Love our little ones!

    The Mrs. &Co.
