Wednesday, January 28

8 months

Well good thing I keep up with little bit in her baby book and my "letter to Weslee Grace" journal because I have been doing some serious slacking on the monthly updates on the blog! Here is to picking everything back up with her 8 month update!

Sweet girl you joined our little family 8 months ago and we can not believe it! We had no idea what we were missing before you became apart of us! You are such a bright light in our life! Your joy is contagious!

 There is never a dull moment with you (or still for that matter)! You HAVE to know what is going on wherever we are and you LOVE it when people talk to you when we are out and about. You just ham' it up with them and flash that sweet little grin of yours! You do not like to sit and prefer to stand all day, especially at our coffee table and your window! Whenever I open the curtains for your in the morning you start grinning and squealing! You do the same thing every.single. time. we open the front door to go do something! 

You are a master crawler now and have been for quite a bit, but you have just recently decided to start using these skills all the time instead of your belly flop method of movement. You have FINALLY figured out the amazing bonus of being able to crawl means you can follow me to any room that you want! Over are the days of putting you in a room and waiting for you to scream while I run to check on the laundry or put something away..for sure makes these moments a little more joyous! You will stand on your own for a few seconds at a time (probably could do a lot longer) but when you realize what you are doing you sit right down! 99% of our day is spent walking around while you hold my fingers or pushing your cart with all your toys in it. You also enjoy walking around holding on to our furniture and have figured out how to move from one piece to another to get where you want! I think we are not that far away from you being even more independent!

 You got your first two teeth this past month! Momma had heard so many horror stories about when babies get teeth so we were prepared for the worst but were pleasantly surprised! You were not that fussy but you did refuse to nap during the day! Which rocked mommas world at first but we made the best of it and got in some extra play time! Plus I have been told I should count my lucky stars that I only had to deal with that! Plus you do sleep a totally of 13 (sometimes 14 hours..) at night! When you wake up from your naps during the day you take a good 10 minutes before you are ready to mingle! You prefer to snuggle and rock with momma before really waking up..please do this forever!

 You are still very attached to momma but you are working on it..don't work to hard though little bit :) . You do really well with other people if I am no where in sight but if you can see me or hear me you mainly want your momma! I am soaking it up!

Your daddy and you LOVE bath time together and he is the master bath giver! Every bath toy creature has their own name and their specific place in the tub. He makes you laugh so hard and you two just have the best time! You are still not a fan of getting out of the bath tub but you are for sure getting better.  Daddy puts your pajamas on you most nights and you love trying to escape from him, momma secretly loves watching this and usually does very little to help :)!

You are consistently eating 3 meals a day of solid foods and are doing great! You are really good eater and only have found about 1 thing you do not like, peas. I do not blame you little bit! You LOVE avocados! You are known to eat a whole avocado in one day. You love all fruits except bananas and especially pears and apples. You have had squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, chicken noodle soup, zuccihni, cheerios and I'm sure I am forgetting something. 
*funny story I don't want to forget* We were at a play date with your sweet friend Addy and momma had just opened a diet coke. I was holding your avocado in my other hand so I was concentrating on keeping that away from you so you didn't stick your hands inside the bowl. Well while I was concentrating so hard on that, you sneaked your little mouth on mommas diet coke and helped your self! You were so thrilled with what you tasted and even more proud of your self! You are a hoot little bit! 

You still have the absolute best expressions and that is usually the number one thing that people comment on, that and your eyes! Everyone always asks how I get you to do it and it is all you! You require no coxing or bribing to make those faces! I love your little big personality and can't wait to see you grow into it even more! 

You have learned to play "pee-pie" and want to play it all the time. You play it in the car as well and think it is hilarious! You have also figured out that you can hide behind your curtains and play it with them too! 

 You LOVE giving yourself kisses! All I have to do is put you in front of a mirror and say "Give Weslee Grace Kisses" and you go full force. Over. Over. Over.  If you can't tell by the last picture you taking giving yourself kisses very seriously. You are very stingy with your kisses though and only give them to certain people at certain times. Some days momma is lucky…others not so much!

Little Bit, you are momma and daddy's whole world. We love you more than we could of ever dreamed of, but you know what is even better than that…Jesus loves you more than that! That is a tough concept for momma to always remember but it is so comforting at the same time! You have amazed us in these short 8 months that we have had the privilege of being your momma and daddy. We are in shock every time you do something new and it my make your crazy momma a little sad to see you grow so fast but we are already so proud of you as well! We pray that you always keep your spunky, joyous personality and share that joy with everyone around you. I love you little bit. 

1 comment :

  1. Reading this entire post reminds me so much of Ry. So much personality for such little girls. Peek-a-boo, kisses...I felt like I could have written this entire post...other than the crawling thing...we have a very unique butt scoot thing going on instead of the crawl, but boy can the girl move like lightening. :) Loved reading the update!!!
