We had a great Thanksgiving this year, as our first one as a family of three! It is so crazy to me that last year little bit was still inside…and we didn't even know she was a sweet little girl yet! We spent this Thanksgiving with my in-laws and had great day with them! We drove down to Duncanville mid- morning and got to spend the whole day with them, which we don't' get to do too often! We hung around during the morning and watch little bit explore all the different toys! She loves loves loves music and played the piano and drums all day! She loves to mimic her daddy banging on the drum…or really anything! It is a sweet little game they play! I love that she loves the piano and hope that she will take lessons one day like her momma! I am so grateful to know how to play the piano…even if there were years when I less than liked practicing!

Her grandma got her this little toy that she can start trying to walk with, and it was a huge hit! Weslee Grace loves walking holding our hands..and spends 85% of her day walking around our little home holding my hands, so this toy is great!! She is able to stand and hold herself up all alone, but does still take a little guidance when she tries to walk! Though she did take 1 step by herself…though I am sure it was by accident! It was so funny though because she kept moving her left leg but wouldn't pick up her right so her legs just kept getting further and further apart!
Weslee's cousin Ari (Will's sisters little boy) performed a violin concert for us as well, and it was great! He is a 1st grader and just started taking lessons and is really good! He was so good with Weslee too, even helped me change a couple of diapers.like an old pro!
After playing in the morning we ate a delicious lunch! We had the usual Thanksgiving meal and it was delicious! I made my usual Chess Pie and brought a Pomegranite Cheese ball that was a hit by all!
We all hung out in their amazing backyard while the boys played some basketball. I did challenge Will to a race around the tennis courts…and after about 10 minutes of begging him he finally complied…and he won…
I wanted to get a family picture of everyone now that little bit has joined us in the world (..for 6 months
now..that is a whole other post!) so we went and hiked these trials by their house! It was a gorgeous day for a hike and beautiful scenery! It is no easy task getting 1 baby, 1 kid, 1 dog, and 6 adults all to cooperate for a picture, but I think we got a great one! I am so thankful to have married into such a sweet and fun family!
While we were eating lunch my MIL went around and asked everyone what they were thankful for (which I loved!) ..my response was my two "W"'s. These two are the light of my life and I am not sure how I got so lucky to be their wife/momma but I am so glad that I am! There is never a dull moment with them and I wouldn't want it any other way! I would say we had a great first Thanksgiving as a family of three!
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