Here we are again, another month older and another month that flew by faster than the last! Sweet girl I can not believe you are 5 months old today! How did this happen?!?! You continue to amaze me everyday and seriously do something new everyday! I think you spoiled your momma for the first 4 1/2 months of your life though because this last week you have given me a run for my money! From about 6 weeks on you were great at sleeping at night, napping and everything else as long as you stayed on your schedule but all of the sudden that all changed! You have been quite the fussy baby this past week but I think you are in the middle of a growth spurt or you are teething! The days have been long and the nights even longer but I wouldn't trade them for anything!

You are one funny girl! I think I repeat that to you at least 1,345 times a day! You have started doing this grin that we like to refer to as "The gram-pa grin" where you squish your lips together and smile as big as you can! It makes us laugh so hard every time! When we laugh you just keep doing it over and over! I love how much you interact with us now! I told your daddy the other day that in the last couple of weeks you have turned into a little human instead of a baby!

You are army crawling everywhere, especially for my phone! In the last couple of days you have started pushing up on all fours and can hold yourself there but then go head first when you start to move, you do not like that one bit! I'm hoping that will encourage you to figure out how to crawl...and yes I know as soon as you crawl I'm going to wish that you were not again! You grunt so loud while you are crawling though like you are using every ounce of energy that you have. Though just like when you were learning to sit, if you don't want to crawl you will not do it for anything! Sweet girl, I think you have momma's stubbornness in you! Being stubborn is a hard thing, sometimes it can been good to stand you ground but sometimes you need to give in! I have a feeling we will be working on this when you get older!

You have also started standing on your own while you hold onto something like the couch, coffee table or the rocking bear in your room! Sometimes you get a little adventurous and decided to let go of your hands! It always surprises me, and 95% of the time I can catch you before you fall to the ground but you have falling a few times. You will cry for a short minute and then are back at them! I think this is how you are going to be with life (at least I hope so). You are going to have things in life that knock you down or that are hard but I hope you always get right back up and get back at whatever it is! It is okay to cry (goodness your momma did enough of that when she was little..just ask your cap't) but it is so very important not to give up on things, even when they are hard!

You have also started eating solids, on most days 3 times a day. I am not quite sure how much of it makes it into your mouth but we give it our best shot! You prefer for me to just feed you the food off my finger but we are really practicing using the spoon. The little Miss independent self that you are would prefer to feed herself with the spoon so that makes it quite
fun a nightmare too! If anyone is curious as to what you ate for dinner all they have to do is look on our floor because it is EVERYWHERE! Currently you are eating carrots, bananas, squash, peas, and apples. You love the fruit and carrots but could really do without the peas and squash! Momma totally understand..but I hope you are a more adventurous eater like your daddy!

This past month you have gone to Oklahoma twice! Your sweet sweet baby cousin Claire Rebecca was born October 9th! You were there in the early hours of the morning when she was born! You were the absolute best baby the entire trip and you were just dragged from place to place! You had the whole hospital entertained, and of course you entertained us! We knew you liked pumpkins before our first trip to Oklahoma but your Uncle Cole and Aunt Annie had some pumpkins and mums on their front porch and you could not get enough of them! You would just talk and talk to the pumpkins and try to eat the mums! Your Uncle Cole let you take home the baby pumpkin that you loved! I can't wait for you and Claire to grow up together and make so many memories! You are very curious about her and like to touch her...we are working on being gently!
( I love those
sweet mischievous grinning eyes behind the flowers!)
Oh and how could I forget! You FINALLY laughed a couple of days ago! Little bit your mommas has been waiting for you to do this!! Your granny and great-grandad had brought breakfast over to momma and daddy after a long night so they were here too! I had you laying on my legs on the floor and started tickling your belly and you just started laughing! It is the funniest laugh I have heard and you almost sound like you are crying when you first start! You have only done it one other time now, but daddy and I spend most of our days trying to get you to laugh! I love your laugh little one, the best noise I have heard!

You still love being outside the most, especially out at the land! I think you just like looking around at everything. You got to ride on the Mule at the land for the first time this month too and you loved it, and of course just started crawling around. You also have really began to notice Angus! If she is around your eyes are glued to her! If you start to cry she comes over and licks you and you immediately stop! A coupe of weeks ago you tried to pet her and pulled her little hair, she wasn't to excited about that but did pretty good! I think y'all are going to be the best of friends!

Sweet girl, your momma and daddy love you more with each passing day! We have the best time playing with you and just spending time together as our family of three! You have the best time playing around with daddy but you still need your momma when you are tired or fussy! I am still 100% okay with this! I can't wait for the next few months with you as you get to experience the holidays for the first time! I sometime wish life came with a freeze button so we could just freeze you right now, but each stage just keeps getting better! I love you more than you will ever know Weslee Grace Buck! God sure knew what he was doing when he surprised us with you 5 months ago..every time I look at you I am reminded that his plan is WAY better than anything I could dream up!
Oh little bit...your
little huge personality kills me...never lose it or let anything or anyone change it!