Thursday, May 29

The day I become a mommy!

Dear Sweet girl,

Today (early early in the morning) we are headed to the hospital  to have you! You are your fathers daughter and have your own schedule, and we have a scheduled induction at 6am since you have decided you are quite comfy inside me. I told your daddy yesterday, that we would be working on fixing that ASAP! He seems to think it is quite funny that you already have your own little schedule and do life your own way! We are beyond excited to meet you sweet girl and I can't wait for you to make me a mommy!

I am not sure what you are supposed to feel like on the day you become a mommy but I have all types of feelings..excited, scared, curious, anxious and many many more! Sweet girl we have waited 9 months (some that flew by and then some that seemed to drag on and on!) to meet you, hold you, and kiss your sweet cheeks! I know our first weeks will be tough and we'll both be figuring out things but I can't wait.  Little girl I love you and can't wait to see you grow (I do hope you do it slowly though!) and take on the world around you.

You are so loved by so many people before you even breath your first breath on this earth, but the two people that love you more than anyone else are your daddy and I! You have so many family members and friends that have been praying for you these past 9 months and that are so eager to meet you! You are one lucky and blessed little girl, as are your father and I!

I can't wait to see who you look like sweet girl! Will you have your daddy's eyes, which he claims are the only eyes prettier than mommy's?  Will you have your daddies bright blonde hair or my dark brown hair? I am very curious to see how much you weigh, and to see if you are as big as everyone says you are going to be! I know the minute that I lay eyes on you that the only thing that I will think will be that you are perfect, and made just how God wanted you to be made! Sweet girl I hope you always remember that, and never ever let anyone tell you anything different!

Your daddy can't wait to hold you and see you baby girl, I have a feeling he is going to be a baby hog! He so wants to teach you how to fish, and to get dirty! I am pretty sure if he could find a small enough fishing pole that would be your first outing! He is going to be the best daddy to you! There will be days that you two don't see eye to eye (especially when it comes to clothing since he has already told me that two piece bathing suits and shorts are not an option..don't worry that's what I am here for!) , and you may think that he is tough but always remember everything he says and does is because he loves you and wants the absolute best for you! He is going to be your biggest fan and supporter! Your daddy loves you something fierce little girl and there is nothing that he wouldn't do for you! I hope you grow up with the same determination, hard work ethic, and love for people your daddy has sweet one! He puts on a tough face but his heart is one of gold!

Sweet girl you are the best surprise your daddy and I could of ever dreamt of! I can't wait to be your mommy, something that I have always dreamed about! Over the past 9 months I have read, researched, asked my mommy friends everything question under the sun to try and be as prepared for you as I can and to try learn how to be the best mommy for you! I know I will make mistakes but little girl I promise to do my very best and I promise that I love you more than you will ever know! I can't believe that you are all mine. forever.and.ever. I so look forward to all the things that we are going to get to do together. I am excited for this first newborn stage, and learning what you smell like, and what it feels like to hold you and rock you (even if it is in the wee hours of the morning). I just can't wait to have you in my arms!

We love you Weslee Grace and can't wait for you to make our family of three!

all my love,

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