Thursday, January 9

Half Way there!!!

**Right before our 20 week doctors appointment! We wore the color that we thought the baby was going to be! **

How far along? 20 weeks..3 days! I can't believe it...I remember when we had just found out and other people I knew were posting about how they were half way down and it seemed like forever away for me and now this is where we are at now! 
Baby Size: A banana?? According to our sonogram yesterday she is 12 oz! 
Baby Gender: GIRL!!!!!!
Total weight gain: 15 pounds, but I wore my boots so I'm thinking they for sure weight at least 2 pounds :)
Maternity clothes? Still wearing my one pair of maternity jeans but not maternity tops! I can still wear some of my regular pants but they are snug  barely buttoning and have a tendency to "pop" open sometimes! 
Stretch marks? So far so good. Update on the Stretch mark cream the the husband bought me a plethora of...I'm allergic to it, makes my whole stomach break into red spots and get really itchy! So if anyone is in the market for some stretch mark cream let me know! 
Sleep: Waking up about 2-3 times a night to go the restroom but pretty good at sleeping still, still missing sleeping on my back! 
Best moment this week: Finding out that Baby Buck is a GIRL and getting to watch her for a good 15 minutes. She is quite a busy little girl and was not really wanting to show her face much! Our ultrasound tech was so sweet and patient even when baby girl wasn't cooperating! 
Miss Anything? Nothing really new...missing my daily naps and morning talk shows since I started back to school this week! 
Movement: I know she is moving up a storm in there but don't feel her a ton! I mainly feel her at night when I am laying real still before I fall asleep. Everyone kept telling me that it will feel like little butterflies (I had no idea what that meant!) but I think it feels more like a stomach spasm! 
Food cravings: Chicken Salad Sandwich from either Panera or Celebrity Bakery. Still craving lots of fruit, Milk and Cereal, OJ, 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No nothing in particular but I have started feeling a little queasy occasionally during the days..its not too bad though!
Labor Signs: Not a thing..thank goodness!! 
Symptoms: My back as really started to hurt this past week so I've been trying to drink tons of water to help, that is my husbands answer to anything! 
Belly Button in or out? In..though as I read this I remembered I had a dream about having an outtie, so maybe it's in the near future! 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: I can for sure tell I have mood swings but trying my hardest to keep those under control..the husband would probably say I should try a little harder at times! :) 
Looking forward to: The crib being completely finished and getting to start working on the nursery now that we know it's a baby girl!! Also we got her Moses basket in from Restoration Hardware, it is for sure becoming more reals!

Here is our video letting people know that we were having a sweet baby girl! In my head it looked WAY different but it made for a good memory! Apparently when the Party CIty guy asked me how much confetti I needed to be a little bit more specific...he placed a total of FIVE pieces of confetti in the balloon!

(Can't get the video to work right now...I'll try and work on it later...just frustrating me right now!!!)

We made a deal the night before our doctors appointment that whoever was right on guessing the gender of the baby would get to pick out their first outfit...this really was just an excuse for me to convince will that we would need to go shopping ASAP! Here is the sweetest little dress that Will picked out for her!! I was so impressed with his pick! It was really fun to watch him pick out her clothes, you could tell it was his first time looking at baby clothes! 

We have officially chosen her name to be Weslee Grace Buck. I never imagined how difficult it would be to choose a name for my child! Since I am a school teacher there are a lot of names I knew we wouldn't be using because of students that I had taught with those names! :) I wanted her to have a unique name but not one that was so hard to pronounce or that people would completely butcher! I absolutely love the name that we came up with, and the husband was in agreement! We have heard from some people that they lover her name which makes me so excited...then I quickly tell Will "like someone would tell me that they didn't like the name!" 

See you next time! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How exciting! This whole post is full of fun announcements and milestones of your pregnancy! Congrats! So my husband is interested in how your husband did the crib. He's pretty good with wood too and as you know I am in love with the crib as well! Did your husband just wing it from the picture, have plans that he drew out? We would love any help since it looks like my husband is going to attempt the crib as well! :) He just build a beautiful shelving unit for our laundry room so I have faith that he could do this too! He would just love to hear how your husband did it too! My email is if he'd like to share his method to the madness of crib making! :)

    Man and Wife and Two Fur Babies
