Friday, September 5

Weslee Grace's 3 month update

Another month with our sweet little bit, we couldn't be more in love and enamored with her! Her baby blues and sweet personality light up every room we walk into! She doesn't meet a stranger, and is always grinning at anyone we pass (even though this has made our quick grocery store trips turn into an hour long ordeal because we have to stop and flirt with everyone we pass!)

We don't go to the doctor till next month so I am not sure what her weight and height is but I can assure you that little bit is growing! She is beginning to get some chunky little thighs with lots of rolls, but still looks petite to me because of her length! All that she wants to do is stand and sit up! Just a few days ago she mastered sitting up by herself as long as she has something in front of her to look at or play with. She is one strong baby, and I know that I am not the only one that thinks this because everyone always comments on it, and they have since she was just a few days old and was holding up her head! She can roll from her tummy to her back but does not do it very often, she prefers to work on scooting and crawling instead. We have one active girl on our hands! I was 4 months old when I was sitting, and was 7 months old when I started walking so I am curious to see if she follows in my footsteps (no pun intended :) )

Weslee loves to read books and now will sit up by herself to read them! Though this mommy still likes to have her sit in my lap most times to read!

The day that she turned 3 months old she slept for almost 11 hours…but don't' worry that was just a fluke! We are now back to our 6-7 hours of consecutive hours of sleep and then one night time feed then right back down to sleep..but I am not complaining! She usually wakes up for the day around 7 which has made this non-morning person into a morning person, and I am kind of loving it! 

The weekend that sweet girl turned 3 months old we got to see some of our favorite people from Oklahoma! Uncle Cole and Aunt Annie!! Aunt Annie got some great practice loving on our sweet Weslee to help her get ready for baby Claire! They are going to be the absolute best parents and we can't wait for Claire to be here...though we are under strict orders not to wish her here before her due date because my brother is in one of his busiest times of residency! Weslee loves both of them so much, but I think she is going to really miss having a little baby bump to rest on when Claire is here! Cole and Annie came down for Annie's Shower which I will add in a separate post! 

One of our favorite things right now is taking baths! We switched our bath times to morning time about a month ago and she loves it even more! I get some of her best grins during bath time! (bath picture overload....I warned you :) ) 

(hairstyle by Will Buck...I am sure he will be getting lots of hairstyling practice in the days coming!)

Our second favorite thing to do is to be outside...she loves to just walk around, go feed the turtles and ducks! If Weslee is crying and I walk her oustide she will instantly stop! She is always alert but when we are walking outside she is always looking around and taking it all in!

We also celebrated mine and Will's birthday this past month! This girl loves playing with her daddy..and it is so fun to watch them together

(Birthday dinner celebrating daddy turning the BIG 3-0!) 

Little Bit got to cheer on her Baylor Bears for their first win in the new McClane Stadium (we so wish we were there in person!) Wearing her green and gold just makes her so happy! I am well on my way to convincing her daddy that there is just no other choice then Baylor! My new way of convincing him is that girls can go to Baylor and any boys that we have can go to UT (I figure I can just work on the boys going to Baylor later incase we have boys in the future!)

These last few photos are ones from our 3 month photo shoot and some of my most favorite ones of Weslee Grace lately! 

            (What the heck is the alligator doing up here with me....that mom of mine has lost it...)

Thanks for stopping by as always and hopefully I will be back sooner that later this time! :)

1 comment :

  1. She has to be the most expressive little girl I have ever seen. So adorable and full of personality! I love reading about your sweet family and I am crazy about the pics....never too many! :)
