Thursday, April 10

Count downs

When I started keeping track of our pregnancy and how many weeks/months we had left I never realized that I was also counting down to something last days of teaching. Either way I look at the countdown it comes with mixed emotions. When counting down to when our baby girl will be here ..we are beyond excited to start that next chapter (or adventure as I like to call it) of our lives. Though when I think about how the countdown also means I only have a total of 29 teaching days left,  I also feel a little anxious and sad at times to be closing that chapter of my life. Don't get me wrong I know that staying home with Weslee is the best choice for her and me but it will be a big change. We just completed a survey in our Foundation Group (bible study) about personality and different qualities that we possessed and lets just say I was at the near bottom when it came to dealing with change. Which was not surprising to me or the husband, we both just sort of chuckled when we saw that.  Even though this is a change that I chose and couldn't be happier it is still a change none the less which makes it difficult for me. I am slowly packing up my classroom and getting rid of things so that is making it a little more real as well. I'd be lying to if I didn't say that one of the things I'm going to miss the most is getting my classroom ready for a new school year! I just love that feeling!! 
Pictures from my last classroom! 

In my short 5 years of teaching I think I have learned more from my kiddos than they have learned from me! They have taught me to see the small things everyday, PATIENCE, that everyone has a story, and so much more! I think it is only fitting that the year that I am resigning my very first class of 1st graders I taught will be moving on to middle school too! I have no idea if I will come back to teaching or if this it but I couldn't not think of a better profession to be in! 

It is so funny to me to look back at pictures from the beginning of the pregnancy when I thought I looked so big...oh how I had no idea! 
How far along? 33 weeks and 3 days..can't believe how fast everything has started going and I don't see it slowing down anytime soon!  
Baby Size: Baby girl is the size of a honeydew,  19inches and about 4.5 1bs. 
Baby Gender: GIRL!!!!!!
Total weight gain: Still holding strong at 30 pounds...I'm hoping not to gain tooo much more
Maternity clothes? Living in maxi dresses now that it has gotten warmer! I love thatI can wear dresses that I already have and don't have to buy new ones! Plus maxi dresses are so comfortable! 
Stretch marks? So far so good...keeping fingers crossed! 
 Sleep: Oh goodness I wish that I could sleep these days! I will be absolutely exhausted thinking that I will fall asleep in no time and then I get in bed and I am wide awake! The other night I tossed and turned so much I finally got up and decided to do some baby shopping! 
Best moment this week: Weslee girl had another shower this past weekend and then I have my school shower this week as well! She is one loved little girl! I will do a separate post about both of these showers! 
Miss Anything? Just being able to wear normal clothes and not going to the bathroom 100,000 times a day! 
Movement: She is moving lots it is my absolute favorite feeling! I think that this might be one part of being pregnant that I will miss! 
Food cravings:Still loving lots of fruit, cereal, and just normal things! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, feeling pretty good! 
Labor Signs: Not a thing..thank goodness!! 
Symptoms: Just getting tired again but I can handle that! 
Belly Button in or out? I am beginning to think that I will keep my "inny" belly button for this whole pregnancy! Now it is sort of funny looking but for sure still in! :) 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Been pretty good lately, I think the new spring weather has helped this too! Who can be in a bad mood when it is so pretty outside! 
Looking forward to: Enjoying the weekend with the husband with not much on our calendar to do! We are going to have such a busy summer that I am really trying to enjoy this last few weeks of just us! 

Speaking of the husband I must brag on him :) I am not sure if I have written about it on the blog yet but he is back in school right now to obtain a degree in Mechanical Engineering! Way over my head!!  He already has two degrees from UT but decided about a year and 1/2 ago that engineering is really what he wanted to do so we jumped in full force! In the engineering field it is important to have an internship before you graduate and he just accepted an internship!!! We couldn't be more excited, and I am so proud of him! He will be working for a guy that we have heard amazing things about and it is such a blessing!  He is going to have quite a busy summer with 9 hours of school, an internship and a newborn baby but I know that he will handle it all amazingly! Weslee and I could not be more blessed to have him as a husband and daddy! 

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