We are officially in the home stretch of the pregnancy and are 9 months! Can. Not. Believe. It.
How far along? 36 weeks and 2 days
Baby Size: Baby girl is the size of a head of romaine lettuce, and is weighing almost 6 pounds!
Baby Gender: GIRL!!!!!!
Total weight gain: 30 plus! Yikes!!
Maternity clothes? Living in maxi dresses now that it has gotten warmer! I love thatI can wear dresses that I already have and don't have to buy new ones! Plus maxi dresses are so comfortable!
Stretch marks? So far so good...keeping fingers crossed!
Best moment this week: We had a great weekend of seeing friends at one of my friends from Baylor's wedding and also celebrating our nephews 6th birthday with a mad scientist birthday party! I can not believe that he is 6 years old! We also had a doctor's appoint Friday and got to hear baby girl's heart beat! Our doctor also said that we wouldn't be going past May 30th if little girl doesn't come on her own, so happy to know that!
Miss Anything? BREATHING. It has become quite the struggle.
Miss Anything? BREATHING. It has become quite the struggle.
Movement: She is moving lots.. it is my absolute favorite feeling! I think that this might be one part of being pregnant that I will miss!
Food cravings:Still loving lots of fruit, cereal, and just normal things!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, feeling pretty good!
Labor Signs: not yet!
Symptoms: Started having Braxton Hicks last week and she has been pushing down pretty hard as well. Hoping all of this means that she will be making an appearance soon!
Belly Button in or out? No change..still just flat!
Wedding rings on or off? On..though I'm not sure if I will be able to wear them for to much longer.
Mood: Feeling pretty good..even the husband agrees! I have began feeling a little anxious about bringing home a newborn but know that we will figure it out as we go!
I pretty much finished packing my hospital bag and Weslee's hospital bag, and I will do a full post on that later on but I had to share the new Pj's I found for the hospital, in case anyone else is in need of the perfect pair. It was of course a necessity to have cute new PJ's for the hospital! Both of them came from Victoria Secret and I might need to get a couple of more because they are so great! This first one is a button up shirt that I think will be great for the hospital and practical! I had been eyeing it for a while but it is hard to know what sizes to buy right now so I was glad they had it in store to try on. The second one is just a cotton oversized t-shirt. It is so soft and comfortable, and came in lots of different patterns and texts. I really like the blue and coral in the one that I chose.

This past week we I also got some more things in for Weslee. I got our bobby cover that I just love! I at first was going to go with a gender neutral but decided since we went with gender neutral bedding she needed girl boppy cover! I ordered it off of Etsy from Modcloth. It is a perfect fit and I couldnt' be happier!
I also got in Weslee's name blanket and leggings that I have been wanting to get in for a long time!! They were so worth the wait! I am going to bring her name blanket to swaddle her in at the hospital, it is so soft and light. I think it will be such a special blanket that we can keep and use for a while, and something that she can always have!
Her leggings are size 3-6 months so she will grow into them but I just know they are going to be perfect!
Both of these items are from Jennifer Ann and I highly recommend them!
I know that I have already talked about this new store I found, Sugar Bit, but I just recieved the items that I ordered in the mail! They are more precious than what I thought they are going to be. I have had such a hard time finding gowns for Weslee that I was so excited to find this new gown and loved the print! Rumor has it gowns are way easier for changing diapers in the middle of the night..which I know I'm going to be all about "easiness" in the middle of the night when I am half asleep! When I got the package in the mail the sweet owner had even wrote a personal note to go with the packaging! I love supporting small businesses that have such personal touches! I will for sure be shopping lots at this store!

Happy Weslee Wednesday!