Wednesday, March 19


The pictures on the left is my daily view...there is no doubt that she is a growing girl! 

                          How far along? 30 weeks and 2 days...less than 10 weeks to go! CRAZY! 
Baby Size: Baby girl is the size of butternut squash,  17inches and about 3 1bs, and is going to gain about 1/2 lb a week from here on out! Wow! 
Baby Gender: GIRL!!!!!!
Total weight gain: A LOT! Last doctor's visit I think my total weight gain was a little under 30...this could get interesting! What is strange is I don't really feel like I am eating that much more! I DO NOT recommend tracking your weight on baby center...didn't make me feel any better! 
Maternity clothes? Luckily the weather has been getting warmer so I have been able to pull out my maxi dresses so still holding out on maternity clothes! Though I did buy a maternity tank top from Target and I am loving it, probably will wear it even after Weslee is here! 
Stretch marks? So far so good...keeping fingers crossed! 
 Sleep: I am guessing my body is getting ready for sweet girl to get here because I wake up ready to go at about 2:30 every morning. This wasn't so bad during spring break when I could take a nap during the day, but it is killing me now! I just keep telling myself that I will be more prepared when she gets here! :) 
Best moment this week: The husband and I celebrated our one year anniversary this past Sunday! I can not believe it has been a whole year! This will be a separate post hopefully by friday on everything we have done this past year! :) 
Miss Anything? Still miss Sleeping on my back. ALOT! 
Movement: She is moving lots! Will is able to watch my stomach move now which we both think is fun! I think it is really fun to watch his face light up when she moves really big, she may have him already wrapped around her little finger! :) 
Food cravings: Lots of fresh fruit, I think I bought everything possible at Central Market in the fruit department. Also really have been craving Avocados! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, feeling pretty good! 
Labor Signs: Not a thing..thank goodness!! 
Symptoms: My heart burn is back but not nearly as bad so that has been nice! I was told that my tiredness would come back in the 3rd trimester and that has been very true for me! 
Belly Button in or out? I am beginning to think that I will keep my "inny" belly button for this whole pregnancy! Now it is sort of funny looking but for sure still in! :) 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Been pretty good lately, I think the new spring weather has helped this too! Who can be in a bad mood when it is so pretty outside! 
Looking forward to: This weekend I get to go on a retreat with about 15 other girls to Possum Kingdom Lake! I am beyond excited to get a way for the weekend and relax! We get a house to ourself that is on an island, and as much rest and relaxation as we want! I think that is just what I need! I am going with our small group bible study and then another small group from our church as well! An added bonus is one of my really good friends that I used to teach with is in the other small group so we get to spend the weekend together! 

Funny Story for the week: During afternoon tutoring on Tuesday I was sitting at my table with a group of about 4 students, 2 girls and 2 boys. We were working on decoding words when one of my boys yells out "Mrs. Buck...uh, uh.... I think your stomach is moving by its self!" He was in utter shock and did not know what to think! Weslee is very active these days and I guess she was interested in learning too! I explained to him how it was the baby moving inside and that since she is growing you can see her moving around now. He was very unsure about this and proceeded "to keep watch" on my stomach for the rest of tutoring, and tell me if he saw even the slightest of movements even after I assured him that I could feel her move every time and that is what she is supposed to be doing.  There is no telling what he went home and told his parents! Needless to say we didn't get a lot accomplished that day during tutoring since everyone was on baby watch! 

In case you missed these precious shoes that Weslee got here is another peek at her Baylor shoes that she will support with pride no matter what her Longhorn daddy says! 


  1. you are cracking me up with your weight gain! I feel the SAME way! I seriously am dying when I go to the doctor and have to see them move that marker over. I'm done tracking it and done watching being weighed in. There is nothing we can do about it! Baby gets what baby needs and if that's more weight, than so be it! I just don't want to see it ;)

  2. Glad I am not the only one feeling this way these days :) I am for sure in the "no way I am looking at the scale" mood these days!
