Friday, March 28

Dying to Unwind Retreat and 31 week update

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to a retreat with my small group ladies and then some other older ladies that go to our church as well! We spent the weekend in the most gorgeous house on Possum Kingdom Lake. I had been to Possum Kingdom Lake when I was in 5th grade for our school camp but this time was oh so different! Last time I stayed in a cabin with probably 15 other 5th grade girls sleeping in  bunk beds and "roughing" it in our eyes, and this time we stayed in the most gorgeous house that was right on the lake.


I know what a rough weekend we had :) 

We left for the retreat Friday afternoon and stopped in Weatherford for quick shopping and cake ball break! We went to the cutest little shop with the most amazing cake balls. I got a creme brûlée cake ball...and I am not sure if it was because I am pregnant that it tasted so good or if they are always that good! 
(I would be the very pregnant one in the front row sitting next to one of the girls I used to teach with!) It was so fun getting to go on this retreat with her and so crazy how it worked out!

The whole weekend was about rest for your soul and physical rest. This could not of come at a more perfect time! With about 9 weeks left in our pregnancy rest seems to be the furthest thing from my mind! Before the retreat I didn't really think much about rest for my soul but it hit my like a ton of bricks that weekend. 
The thought of bringing our sweet little girl into this world can cause quite a bit of anxiety. I am a worrier ( I like to blame it on genetics :) ). I worry about the smallest of things to the biggest of things and everything in between. It is something that I have always done and something that I have to really work on, it doesn't matter if I have control over a situation or not ..more likely than not I will worry about it. I have all kinds of worries when it comes to our sweet Weslee girl an this new journey of mommy hood.
 I worry about...
* her being healthy
* if I am going to be a good mommy to her
*will she do well in school or will she have some type of struggle 
*will she learn to love Jesus above everything else
*will she make the right choices and listen to what we try to teach her
*will she know I love her no matter what
*how will she handle her first heart break
*will she be developmentally on track or will she be delayed
*will she be successful
*will she start talking and babbling when she is supposed to
*will she be an early walker or will we really have to work on this
*will I know when she is hungry or why she is crying
*what if I can't get her to sleep at night 
*will I know what she needs all the time

I could go on and on....and most of these things will not even come into play for years to come but they are still in the front of my head. When her sweet kicks and movements wake me up in the wee hours of the morning these are the type of things I think about..and then I wonder why I can't go back to sleep. 
So this weekend we talked about not being weary and disheartened. We talked about how God is there to walk right beside us and help us with all of our burdens so we don't have to carry them on our own. My personality is I want to control everything and take care of everything on my own, it is very hard for me to allow help. This weekend I learned though that it is completely silly for me to think this way. God loves Weslee more than Will and I could ever possibly understand and he is going to protect her and help guide her. God knows every burden and worry that I have and that if I would allow him to help me than I would be way better off! 

Our theme verse for the weekend was Matthew 11:28-30. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

I am really trying to remember this verse daily and learn to give my worries and anxieties to him! I figured it would be way easier to start now then after she is born when I can think of a million more things to worry about!

Some pictures from the weekend:
In order to get to the house that was on an island in the middle of the lake we had to take a boat. They usually had a pontoon boat but just our luck it broke down the week before! So instead we got to ride in this little fishing boat! It was quite an experience..I'm pretty sure when I stepped into the boat it went way down... :) 

 Saturday afternoon in between sessions some of us went on a 3.5 mile walk!! This girl was SUPER tired afterwards and pretty proud of myself as well! It was fun getting to see all around the island. We also got to see some deer, and where the landing strip was on the island...ya know for all those private planes ;) 

This is the last day when we took a couple of group pictures:
Everyone that was there for the weekend: 
 Most of my small group...we missed Sarah all weekend! 

This is our small group with another small group from our church!

Here is Brooke and I on the last day! I would of never guessed that when I met her the summer before my first full year of teaching that she would become such a great friend! We taught together for 2 years and they were full of lots of trials and different situations and I couldn't think of a better person to go through them with. Though we have both moved on to different schools I love that we stay in touch and that I know she will always be apart of my life! 

 It was much cooler on Sunday when we were heading home so the boat ride back to our cars were quite chilly! The lady that owns the house provided us all with slippers when we got to the house on Friday so on the boat ride back they doubled as earmuffs! 

Now for a baby update: 

** having issues with the video hopefully will get it working soon :( **
 Instead of a picture this week I decided to share a video I captured of Weslee moving all of the place! This girl has some energy! 

  How far along? 31 weeks and 4 days can't believe how fast everything has started going and I don't see it slowing down anytime soon! 
Baby Size: Baby girl is the size of butternut squash,  18inches and about 3.3 1bs. I can for sure feel she is getting longer and I think baby girl loves to stretch out and get comfy :) 
Baby Gender: GIRL!!!!!!
Total weight gain: We will find out today  though I think I would be just find not weighing this time.. We will see if the doctor will go for that 
Maternity clothes? Living in maxi dresses now that it has gotten warmer! I love thatI can wear dresses that I already have and don't have to buy new ones! Plus maxi dresses are so comfortable! 
Stretch marks? So far so good...keeping fingers crossed! 
 Sleep: I actually feel like it might have gotten a little better, though I might have just jinxed myself! *hopefully not*
Best moment this week: Getting to spend the weekend at Possum Kingdom lake
Miss Anything? Still miss Sleeping on my back. ALOT! 
Movement: She is moving lots it is my absolute favorite feeling! I think that this might be one part of being pregnant that I will miss! 
Food cravings:Still loving lots of fruit, cereal, and just normal things! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, feeling pretty good! 
Labor Signs: Not a thing..thank goodness!! 
Symptoms: Just getting tired again but I can handle that! 
Belly Button in or out? I am beginning to think that I will keep my "inny" belly button for this whole pregnancy! Now it is sort of funny looking but for sure still in! :) 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Been pretty good lately, I think the new spring weather has helped this too! Who can be in a bad mood when it is so pretty outside! 
Looking forward to: This weekend we have the first of my baby showers! I can't wait to spend some time with great friends celebrating MIss Weslee! 

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