These cookies were the first things that I saw!! How adorable are they?!?! Almost too good to eat! They are from Sweet Face Cookies and she makes all of the cookies in her home. Not only do they look beyond precious but they also taste delicious!! If you have an event coming up or just want some cute cookies I highly recommend them if you live in the Dallas area!
Here is more of the food table set up:

There was also a table with the drinks that had the best punch! I believe she made it with strawberry lemonade, sprite, a sherbert and then added blueberries! It was so good! We also had tea and water.
In true southern fashion we had mason jars to drink out of with our names on a chalkboard label.
It is still so surreal to see "Weslee's mommy" written down! I absolutely loved it!
I could for sure go for some of that punch right now!! Yum!
Me with the drink spread and the banner in the background Lauren made! Sad I didn't get a close up of the pennants, they were so cute!
We had the hands down best headband station at the shower as well! I have become obsessed with headbands for Weslee so this was right up my alley! Elizabeth had it all set up so cute, and everyone made Weslee a headband and then labeled who it is from! I can't wait to see her in them and to be able to take pictures knowing who made her the headband! I did threaten before we started that if they weren't adorable she wouldn't be modeling them :)
Here are some girls in action and our finished products:
Finished products

My mom making her granddaughter a headband :) full on concentration face!

We got some wonderful things for Weslee and I am so blessed to have such great friends in my life and I know they already love Weslee! She will be set in the "aunt" department!
I had the best present helper there is! One of my friends that I have known my whole life has the cutest one year old around! Weslee and India are going to be the best of friends, and Weslee can not wait to
Opening a present from KT and Capt (what we are going to call my parents...KT came from me calling my mom by her initials for as long as I can remember and then my dad was a Dallas Fire Captain so Capt was only appropriate. I imagine Capt is going to turn into Cappy)
Here are the party favors that everyone got to take home that Lauren made as well, she did sooo good! They had little treats in them as well but I'm pretty sure I would of been super happy to just get the cute box and ribbon!
We snapped a few group pictures at the end but I missed a few people...like a pictures with my own mother and a few of my other friends! We are both terrible at remembering to take pictures! We have three more showers to go so hopefully at one of those we will get a good pictures of us!
These sweet girls are in my foundation group plus Brooke! She is in a different foundation, but was on the retreat with all of us so we like to claim her! These girls are the best! They also are beyond sweet and not only got great gifts for Weslee but got me the sweetest necklace! I can't find the picture of it but they got me the sweetest necklace that has a Buck on it, to go with our last name!! I will add a picture soon, it is beyond cute!
My husband plays (well really played Rugby) with the Dallas Harlequins and these are all of the wives that endured many cold/hot games together and got to spend lots of Saturdays together! I am so glad that I got to meet these ladies years ago and become such great friends with them! Raegan, the girl in the pink next to me is having twin baby girls soon too! I know Weslee and them are going to have so much fun together, and we are so glad they will be close in age!
This is Elizabeth and her mom, I am so thankful to have both of them in our lives! They are truly some of the sweetest, FUNNIEST, and caring people that I know! I so appreciate all of their hardwork!
Will and I both are so lucky to have great friends in our lives and think the world of all of them! The shower was absolutely perfect!!