Wednesday, February 5

Dear Weslee Grace,

  Every time I write your name I feel like it becomes a little more real that you are mine, that you are my daughter... and you will be here in 15 short weeks! In the past 6 months you have already captured so many people's hearts and you are not even here!  Your daddy and I were quite surprised when we learned that you would be making our family of 2 into 3, and I will never forget that day! It was a Friday night when we found out and I was not sure how to tell your daddy or what he was going to say! I cautiously called him to our bedroom where I was with my mouth covered because I was grinning from ear to ear and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be grinning. He took one look at the little test and he just smiled! I have seen your daddy smile many times in the past 5 1/2 years but this was a different smile, it was a smile that I can't even explain! He was beaming with joy and excitement, and I knew from that moment you had just carved a spot into both of our hearts!  We spent the rest of the night talking about you and trying to remember every detail.  Every time you kick and your daddy feels it he begins to get that same exact smile on his face! I am determined to capture it on video so that one day in the far future you can watch it and see how before you were even here he loved you so very much!
   You are our first baby and there are so many things that we are looking forward to and can't wait to do with you. You are by far my greatest dream come true and I didn't even know you were on the radar! I can't wait to read to you, and sing to you (though your daddy may prefer to do the singing since he thinks mommy is not the best, I just know you will love it anyways though). I am your biggest fan and friend, but first  and foremost I am your mommy. I will not always say yes to you, or let you do the "cool" thing but I promise you that every decision I make will have your best interest at heart and will be made out of love. I know there will be times that me and your daddy will not be your favorite people but know that we always, no matter what, love you more than you can imagine.
  I want you to grow up to be kind, respectful and full of life. I want to teach you to love people even if they are different than you, and to always remember to try and make a difference in people's lives.
  I want to teach you about Jesus. I want you to know that he died on a cross to save YOU. He loves you. I want you to talk to him and I want you to develop your own relationship with him. I hope you have an ever growing desire to be closer to him and to know more about him. Baby girl, Jesus will the be the one constant in your life forever and I want you to always turn to him. Your daddy and I can't wait to teach you all we know about him and watch you develop your own relationship. Long before I even knew you were going to be mine, Jesus knew you were mine. He has such a special plan for you and I can't wait to be a part of it.
   I want to do all the things with you that I got to do and still get to do with my mom! I can't wait to take you to get your nails done for the first time, and to go shopping. I hope that you want to wear matching outfits with me, and I promise to do that for as long as you want. I daydream about having mommy/daughter dates and all the fun that we will have. I can't wait to have special talks with you and hear all about your days. I want you to know that you can always come to me no matter what, and I promise to listen.
  Baby girl there are so many things that I am so excited for and cant' wait to experience with you and your daddy. You have been chosen to be a part of our family for a very special reason and we can not wait! We love you so very much and are so anxious for your arrival!

Your mommy

24 week update!

(It has been a loooong week at looking a little tired in this picture!..also trying to teach the husband how to take more flattering pictures :) )

How far along? 24 weeks  ( I feel like the weeks have started to drag a little bit..I know I will regret saying that soon!)
Baby Size: Eggplant...about 9inches and 1.7lbs 
Baby Gender: GIRL!!!!!!
Total weight gain: Not a clue..head to the doctor on Monday. DREADING seeing the number. 
Maternity clothes? Still only have one pair of jeans and making it work! So thankful that leggings and tunic tops are in style right now! I have been living in my leggings and long sweaters since it has been SO cold. I am so ready for Spring weather. 
Stretch marks? So far so good...keeping fingers crossed!
Sleep: Ugh I am longing for a full night of sleep!! I get up a couple of times at night to either go to the restroom or just stand up because I can't get comfortable anymore...which from what I hear only gets worse!
Best moment this week: I got to each brunch with two of my favorite girls on Saturday and this really yummy place called Old Fellows. It was so fun to catch up with these girls, especially since one lives in Houston. The other girl has a daughter that was born the day before Will and I got married so it was so fun to see her as well. I already told her momma that I am claiming all of her little girl clothes because they are so precious! 
Miss Anything? Being able to wear anything in my closet, a full nights sleep, and not feeling tired! 
Movement: She is moving lots and is quite the active girl. On Tuesday I didn't feel her move hardly at all at school so being the worry wart that I am I was a little concerned but then by the time I got home she was back in the full swing of kicking! It is such a reassuring feeling! 
Food cravings: ANYTHING!! I seriously feel like I have eaten constantly this past week. Still want lots of fruit and fruit smoothies..maybe that is my brains way of getting me to balance out the amount of sweets I have eaten. Also I always love the Candy Hearts that come out around valentines so I made a stop at Central Market yesterday and stocked up! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, feeling pretty good! 
Labor Signs: Not a thing..thank goodness!! 
Symptoms: Round ligament pain is in full force..or at least thats what I think it is! My stomach has felt so much pressure this past week. 
Belly Button in or out? Still in..thinking it will switch any week now, and yes the husband is still grossed out by it! 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: I I feel like I have been on the verge of tears more recently but besides that I think my mood has stayed about the same. 
Looking forward to: Still working on the nursery so I am looking forward to finding some pieces that really tie it all together. Right now the nursery just frustrates me but I know by the time she gets here I will have it all figured out. I


  1. Oh my goodness this nearly made me cry! I am definitely going to be using you as a pregnancy role model when the time comes! You're amazing!

    1. So glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for your sweet comment! :)
