Sunday, June 29

One Month of Weslee Grace

   Our little Weslee is officially one month. It really seems like yesterday we were bringing her home from the NICU. I am sure that the is in part due to the fact that all of our days are beginning to run together since sleeping at night has become something of a distant memory (at least for once of us in the Buck household, I'll let you guess who that is :)).

I love Weslee's chunky little self and all of her little rolls. Her hair is still as full as it was when she was born, but I think it has lightened up a bit! I am curious to see if it falls out because mine did not when I was a baby. Also everyone is very anxious to see if she got momma's curly hair! It has been pretty humid this past week and I have noticed that it goes a little more crazy those days, so maybe!! Her little body perks up when she hears people talking, especially about her! She has learned to love our nightly walks, and especially likes it when daddy joins! She loves loves loves bath time, but HATES getting out. We think it might be the speed (or lack there of)  at which daddy gets her all wrapped up and dried :) We love tummy time anywhere, whether it be on mommy and daddy's tummy or on the blanket on the floor. She can hold her head up for quite sometime now! Our whole family thinks she is such a gifted baby (of course we do too!) since she rolled over at 3 weeks old! She has done it about 3-4 more times too! We are in for it!  I credit all of her strength to the steroids we both got when she was inside me, sometimes we might refer to her has steroid baby!

Sleeping..oh sleeping! She absolutely loves to snuggle and sleep on me or Will, and then it is like she knows we are about to put her down and "pop" goes those little blue eyes of hers!   We are getting much better at our night time sleep though. She currently will go to sleep between 8:30-9:00 and will sleep till about 12:30-1:00 and I will wake up to feed her, then on good nights she will go right back down and others we are up for about an hour. She will then wake up between 4:00-5:00 to eat again. This is the time that it is usually extra hard to get her to go back to sleep and many nights we end up napping on the couch and then going back to her crib. She wakes up for good between 6:45-7:00 am. In the beginning she was such a good napper but we have now started fighting go to sleep big time during the day. Currently she is sleeping in her Solly Baby Wrap on me because she has fought sleeping all day today and this was the only way I could get stuff done, and she finally fell asleep! Her little eyes will be as red as they can be but she just has to stay awake to see what is going on! I thinks she is going to be like me, and not want to miss a thing!

When we went to the doctor on June 16, 2014 she weighed 9lbs and 2 oz, and was 21 inches long! I am very curious to see how much she weighs at our next visit which is July 2nd, I can tell by just holding her that she is gaining plenty of weight!

Weslee loves to be rocked and held. Our night time routine consists of rocking and listening to lullabies ( a little bit of screaming) She loves the music, when we put her in our mamaroo we always have music going and she just sits and listens. Daddy learned that she needs to be swaddled at night, though she is not always the biggest fan of it at first, and if she is not completely asleep when we put her down she spends the next 15 minutes working so hard to get her arms out of the wrap. She loves her paci but when she is done with it she will just spit it out! She makes the absolute best faces!! We sit and watch her ALL.DAY.LONG. It is probably one of my favorite things to do! She has also started really smiling at us in the last few days and even gave a big ol' grin to one of Will's good friends when he came over to see her! I think we might be in trouble with the boys later on!

We love you sweet girl and can't believe that you have been here for one whole month! I can't wait to see you grow and change but feel free to do it is tough on this mommy's heart to watch you grow and change so fast!

Here is our little one month photo shoot:

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